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There are 28 records in p4A database matching your search criteria.
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Reference; Chinese Jades, Nott (Stanley Charles), 1942.

Collecting Resources; Silver, Jones (EA), The Old Silver of American Churches.

Lalique; Souvenir Program, Journee de Sarah Bernhardt, 1893.

Fine Art; Brigham (Clarence S), Paul Revere's Engravings, 1969.

Reference; Chippendale (Thomas), Gentleman & Cabinetmakers Directory, 3rd Edition, 1762.

Tschamber, George; Archive, Sketchbooks of Numerous Works on Paper.

Catalogue; Tiffany Studios, 31 Pages.

Collecting Resource; Buten (HM), Wedgwood ABC- But Not Middle E.

Collecting Resources (3); Cap Guns, Reference Books.

Reference; Hummel, Golden Anniversary Album.

Reference; Bertha Hummel.

Reference; The Complete Collectors Guide to Hummel.

Fine Art; Brigham (Clarence S), 1954, Paul Revere's Engravings, 1954.

Reference; Mennonite Furniture, Janzen, 1991.

Collecting Resources; Windsor Style, Vols 1 & 2, Charles Santore.

Collecting Resources; Centuies and Styles of The American Chair, Copy, Robert Bishop.

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